29 Feb. 2020 program

Location: TAADA
Band: Subject to Change

British Sorrow (Trad, sometime well before 1807)

Triple proper

A1. ( 8) 1s down outside below 2 cpls
( 8) 1s come up inside, cast around 2s
A2. ( 8) 1s face dn, hands-across star rt w/ 3s
( 8) 1s face up, hands-across star lf w/ 2s
B1. (16) Cir rt (all six)
B2. (16) 1s w/ 2s rt & lf thru over and back


Money Musk (Traditional, 24-bar version)

Proper triple minor

( 8) 1s almd rt 1½
( 4) 1s dn outside below 1 to center of lines of 3 on sides
( 4) Lines bal fwd & bk
( 8) 1s almd rt ¾ to lines of 3 across
( 4) Lines bal fwd & bk
( 4) 1s almd rt ¾ to proper lines on sides
(16) 1s & 2s rt & lf thru (over and back)

Note that the A takes a lot longer to get to the fwd & bk than the dancers expect. The same is true of the B almd, but that one's not as much a problem. In both cases, careful calling can fix the timing.

Petronella (Traditional)


A1. ( 4) 1s spin clockwise to rt into center, M1 end facing up, W1 end facing dn, while 2s slide up to orig 1s position
( 4) Everybody take hands in a diamond, bal diamond
( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to right
( 4) Everybody bal diamond
A2. ( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to rt
( 4) Everybody bal diamond
( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to right
( 4) Everybody bal diamond
B1. (16) 2s spin one place to rt (back home), while 1s dn center, turn alone, ret, cast off w/ same-gender N
B2. (16) Rt & lf thru (over and back)

Beaux of Oak Hill (Trad)


A1. (16) N sashay down and back
A2. (16) N bal & sw, end facing across
B1. (16) W ch over and bk
B2. ( 8) N promenade across
( 8) Rt & lf thru