13 Oct. 2018 program

Location: HATDS
Band: Ceol na Croi

Elegant Whimsy (Grant Goodyear, 8 May 1998)


A1. ( 8) 1s take near hands, promenade down center past 2 cpls
( 8) 1s turn alone, ret, turn to face N
A2. ( 4) N sashay down
( 4) N balance
( 4) N sashay back up
( 4) N balance
B1. (16) N sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) 1s sw, end facing dn

Thursday Night Special (Larry Jennings)


A1. (16) N sw, end facing dn
A2. (16) 4-in-line dn hall, turn as cpls, return, bend line
B1. ( 6) Cir lf 3/4
(10) P sw
B2. ( 8) W ch
( 8) Long lines fwd & bk

You can't get there from here (Carol Ormand, 10 June 1994)

Improper, start in wavy lines across, W in middle

A1. ( 8) Bal wave, almd rt ¾ to long waves (W face in)
( 8) Bal wave, almd rt ¾ to waves across (M in middle)
A2. (16) Bal wave, N sw
B1. ( 6) Cir lf ¾
(10) P sw
B2. ( 8) Cir lf ¾
( 8) Bal ring, pass thru to new waves


Grant's Give & Take (G2, 1999)

Becket, CW

A1. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) W ch
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) N sw
B2. (16) Give & take, P sw


Pedal Pushers (Bob Dalsemer, 1989)


A1. ( 8) M almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) M pick up P, star promenade across, butterfly whirl
A2. ( 8) W gypsy
( 8) P sw
B1. ( 8) Bal ring, pass thru across
( 8) All turn rt, single-file promenade around ring 3/4
B2. (16) N bal & sw

Kitchen Stomp (Becky Hill)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 8) M almd lf 1½
( 8) P sw
B1. ( 8) W ch, end in ring of 4
( 8) Bal ring, Petronella twirl to rt
B2. ( 8) Bal ring, Petronella twirl
( 8) Star lf


Three-dance medley

Simplicity Swing (Becky Hill)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 6) Cir lf ¾
(10) P sw
B1. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) W ch
B2. ( 8) star lf
( 8) New N dsd

?? (learned from Lisa Greenleaf)


A1. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) 1s sw, end facing dn
A2. (16) Down hall 4-in-line, turn alone, ret, face N
B1. (16) N bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) 2s sw, end facing up

Hey Fever (Tony Parkes, Dec. 1987)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 8) M almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) P sw
B1. ( 8) Promenade across
( 8) W ch
B2. (16) Hey

Star Trek (Mike Richardson, 27 Sept. 1990)

Becket (prog cw)

A1. ( 8) Hands-across star rt, M drop out
( 8) W ch (to N)
A2. (16) hey
B1. ( 4) W pass rt sh (to P)
(12) P sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) Hands-across star rt, Trek along set to new star

Money Musk (Traditional, 24-bar version)

Proper triple minor

A1. ( 8) 1s almd rt 1½
( 4) 1s dn outside below 1 to center of lines of 3 on sides
( 4) Lines bal fwd & bk
B1. ( 8) 1s almd rt ¾ to lines of 3 across
( 4) Lines bal fwd & bk
( 4) 1s almd rt ¾ to proper lines on sides
C1. (16) 1s & 2s rt & lf thru (over and back)

Note that the A takes a lot longer to get to the fwd & bk than the dancers expect. The same is true of the B almd, but that one's not as much a problem. In both cases, careful calling can fix the timing.

Sarah Said Yes (Grant Goodyear, 14 Dec. 2001)

Becket, progresses CW

A1. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) lf diag W ch
A2. ( 8) Straight across W ch
( 8) Straight across rt & lf thru, end in a ring of 4
B1. (16) Bal ring, Petronella twirl (2x)
B2. (16) Look for P, P bal & sw

Ends come in on other side of set to circle left. Joseph Pimental has noted that this dance can be danced faster than one might think, and thus really rocking tunes can be used.

Delphiniums & Daisies (Tanya Rotenberg)


A1. ( 8) N almd lf 1½
( 8) W ch
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) P bal & sw(*)
B2. ( 8) Cir lf ¾
( 8) N almd rt 1½

(*) Original lacks the balance in B1.