14 Apr. 2018 program

Subject to Change

Whynot's Special (Roger Whynot)


A1. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) 1 sw, end facing down
A2. (16) 4-in-line down hall, turn alone, ret, bend
B1. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) Cir rt
B2. (16) W ch over and back

Chris & Lisa found each other (Grant Goodyear, Jun. 1997)

Circle mixer

A1. (16) P swing
A2. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) Cir rt
B1. (16) Into center and back, 2×
B2. (16) Give rt hand to P, pull by, single file promenade (Men ccw in center, Women cw outside)

Spring Break (Nils Fredland, 2008)


A1. (16) Bal ring & Pet tw, 2×
A2. (16) N bal & sw
B1. ( 4) M pull by lf hd, P pull by rt hd
( 4) W almd lf 1×
( 8) P sw
B2. ( 8) Cir lf ¾
( 8) Bal ring, pass thru (to new ring)

Grant's Give & Take (G2, 1999)

Becket, CW

A1. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) W ch
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) N sw
B2. (16) Give & take, P sw


Hints of Harmony (Gene Hubert)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) Roll away w/ half sashay, cir rt ¾ (*)
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines
( 8) W ch

Plenty of Nuthin' (Keith Holmes, 11 Feb. 1995)


A1. ( 8) 1s split 2s, cast back to place
( 8) 1s sw, end facing dn
A2. ( 8) 2s split 1s, cast back to place
( 8) 2s sw, end facing up
B1. (16) N bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) 1s ½-fig-8 up, end facing new 2s

The Nice Combination (Gene Hubert)


A1. (16) N bal & sw, end facing dn
A2. (16) Down hall, turn as cpls, ret, bend
B1. ( 6) Cir lf ¾
(10) P sw
B2. ( 8) W ch
( 8) Star lf


The second time around (Jim Kitch)


A1. (16) N gypsy & sw
A2. ( 8) M almd lf 1½
( 8) ½ hey
B1. (16) P gyspy & sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines
( 8) Cir lf ¾, pass thru

Rockin' Robin (Rick Mohr)


A1. ( 8) Cir rt
( 8) N almd lf 1x, M pull by rt
A2. (16) hey, P st pass lf sh
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. (10) Cir lf 1¼ (to orig pos)
( 6) Cpls zig lf, then zag rt, to pass N cpl by W rt sh

Delphiniums & Daisies (Tanya Rotenberg)


A1. ( 8) N almd lf 1½
( 8) W ch
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Cir lf ¾
( 8) N almd rt 1½

Note that the original dance has only the swing in B1; no balance.