28 June 2008 program

Band: Perfect 5th

"Modern Classics"

Scout House Reel (Ted Sannella, 15 Apr. 1979)


A1. (16) 4-in-line down hall, turn alone, ret, bend line
A2. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) W ch
B1. ( 8) W dsd 1 1/2
( 8) N sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) 1s sw, end facing dn

Circle of Friends (Steve Zakon-Anderson)

Circle mixer

A1. ( 8) W fwd & bk
( 8) M fwd, turn around ret to alamo ring (M face out, lf hd to P)
A2. ( 8) Bal ring, P almd lf
( 8) Corners dsd
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Promenade, W roll back over rt sh
( 8) New P promenade

Shadrack's delight (Tony Parkes, Apr. 1972)

Improper, no-cast variation

A1. ( 8) N dsd 1 1/4 to wavy lines (W in center)
( 4) Bal wave
( 4) All almd rt 1/2
A2. ( 4) Bal wave
( 4) Men almd lf 1/2
( 8) P sw, end facing dn
B1. (16) 4-in-line dn hall, turn as cpls, ret, bend line
B2. ( 8) Rt & lf thru
( 8) W ch

The original has:

B1. ( 8) 4-in-line dn hall, turn as cpls
( 8) return, centers hand-cast around ends

Mary Cay's Reel (David Kaynor, 1988)

Becket, progressing CW

A1. ( 8) Cir lf 3/4
( 8) Face N, pass through, new N almd lf
A2. (16) Orig N bal & sw
B1. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) W almd rt 3/4 (to long wave of W in center, back to P), w/ one you meet almd lf 3/4 (M "adjust" to left to face P)
B2. (16) P bal & sw

Flirtation Reel (Tony Parkes)

Improper, start 4-in-line w/ 1s in center

A1. (16) 4-in-line down hall, turn alone, ret, face N
A2. (16) Hey (N pass rt sh)
B1. (16) N gypsy & sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) 1s sw, end facing down

Kitchen Stomp (Becky Hill)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 8) M almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) P sw
B1. ( 8) W ch, end in ring of 4
( 8) Bal ring, Petronella twirl to rt
B2. ( 8) Bal ring, Petronella twirl
( 8) Star lf


Post-break medley

The next three dances comprise a no-walk-through medley.

Medley A -- Simplicity Swing (Becky Hill)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 6) Cir lf 3/4
(10) P sw
B1. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) W ch to N
B2. ( 8) Star lf
( 8) New N dsd

Medley B -- First Hey (Paul Balliet)


A1. ( 8) N almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) W ch
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Cir lf 3/4
( 8) Bal ring, pass thru along

Medley C -- The Nice Combination (Gene Hubert)


A1. (16) N bal & sw, end facing dn
A2. (16) Down hall, turn as cpls, ret, bend
B1. ( 6) Cir lf 3/4
(10) P sw
B2. ( 8) W ch
( 8) Star lf

Some of Grant's favorites

Chorus Jig (Trad)


A1. (16) 1s down outside, turn alone, return, step between 2s
A2. (16) 1s down center, turn alone, return, cast off around 2s
B1. (16) 1s turn contra corners
B2. (16) 1s bal & sw in center, end facing down

The Reunion (Gene Hubert)

Becket, double progression

A1. ( 8) Lf-diag W ch
( 8) Straight across W ch (to shadow)
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Cir lf 3/4, pass through
( 8) w/ new N cir rt 3/4

Second Third Friday (Erik Hoffman)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 8) M almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) P sw, end facing across
B1. ( 8) Rt & lf thru
( 8) W ch
B2. ( 4) P rt-hd bal
( 4) square through 2 hands
( 4) P rt-hd bal
( 4) square through 2 hands

Dancing Bear (Becky Hill)


A1. ( 8) N almd rt 1/2, change hands, almd lf 1x
( 8) W ch
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) W ch
( 8) Star lf