10 Nov. 2007 program

Forgotten Treasure (Beth Parkes)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. (16) 4-in-line down hall, turn as cpls, ret, bend line
B1. ( 8) Cir lf 3/4
( 8) P sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) W ch

Chris & Lisa found each other (Grant Goodyear, Jun. 1997)

Circle mixer

A1. (16) P swing
A2. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) Cir rt
B1. (16) Into center and back, 2x
B2. (16) Give rt hand to P, pull by, single file promenade (Men ccw in center, Women cw outside)

Monica's Joy (Erik Hoffman)


A1. ( 8) N dsd 1 1/4 to wavy lines (W in center)
( 8) Almd rt 1/2, men almd lf 1x
A2. (16) Hey (P pass rt sh)
B1. (16) N gypsy & sw
B2. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) 1s sw, end facing down

Worked beautifully for teaching a hey.

Second Third Friday (Erik Hoffman)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 8) M almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) P sw, end facing across
B1. ( 8) Rt & lf thru
( 8) W ch
B2. ( 4) P rt-hd bal
( 4) square through 2 hands
( 4) P rt-hd bal
( 4) square through 2 hands

Petronella (Traditional) [Retrospective]


A1. ( 4) 1s spin clockwise to rt into center, M1 end facing up, W1 end facing dn, while 2s slide up to orig 1s position
( 4) 1s bal P
( 4) 1s spin clockwise to rt, end facing P with back to opposite-gender N
( 4) 1s bal P
A2. ( 4) 1s spin clockwise to rt into center, M1 end facing dn, W1 end facing up
( 4) 1s bal P
( 4) 1s spin clockwise to rt, end facing P with back to same-gender N
( 4) 1s bal P
B1. (16) 1s dn center, turn alone, ret, cast off w/ same-gender N
B2. (16) Rt & lf thru (over and back)

I called this dance as a "retrospective", teaching and calling it as above for the first 4 times through, and then the band stopped playing and we brought the dance into the 1960s (the "citronella" variant, where everybody gets to twirl):

A1. ( 4) 1s spin clockwise to rt into center, M1 end facing up, W1 end facing dn, while 2s slide up to orig 1s position
( 4) Everybody take hands in a diamond, bal diamond
( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to right
( 4) Everybody bal diamond
A2. ( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to rt
( 4) Everybody bal diamond
( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to right
( 4) Everybody bal diamond
B1. (16) 2s spin one place to rt (back home), while 1s dn center, turn alone, ret, cast off w/ same-gender N
B2. (16) Rt & lf thru (over and back)

Notice the slight awkwardness of the 2s having to get out of the way. After 6 more times through the dance the band changed to the tune Green Mountain Petronella, and I called the more modern version:

A1. ( 4) 1s face dn, 2s face up, bal ring
( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to right
( 4) Everybody bal ring
( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to right
A2. ( 4) Everybody bal ring
( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to right
( 4) Everybody bal ring
( 4) Everybody spin clockwise one place to right

CDS Reel (Ted Sannella, Sept. 1984)


More common no-swing-to-swing version:

A1. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) N sw
A2. ( 8) Whole set cir lf
( 8) Whole set cir rt
B1. ( 8) lf-hd star 3/4
( 8) P sw
B2. ( 8) M almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) N sw (same N as in A1)

The original version switches order in A1.

Kitchen Stomp (Becky Hill)


A1. (16) N bal & sw
A2. ( 8) M almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) P sw
B1. ( 8) W ch, end in ring
( 8) Bal ring, petronella twirl rt
B2. ( 8) Bal ring, petronella twirl rt
( 8) Star lf

Treasure of the Sierra Madre (James Hutson)


A1. ( 8) N rt-hd bal, box the gnat
( 8) M almd lf 1 1/2
A2. ( 8) P rt-hd bal, box the gnat (puts W in center back-to-back, facing P)
( 8) 1/2 hey
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) W ch
( 8) star lf

This strongly-connected dance worked amazingly well with a somewhat tired crowd.

Shadrack's delight (Tony Parkes, Apr 1972)


A1. ( 8) N dsd 1 1/4 to wavy line (W in middle)
( 8) Bal wave, almd rt 1/2
A2. ( 8) Bal wave, M almd lf 1/2
( 8) P sw, end facing down
B1. (16) 4-in-line down hall, turn as cpls, return, bend line
B2. ( 8) Rt & lf thru
( 8) W ch, face new N

The original dance has 1s hand-cast around 2s at end of B1. I often leave out the hand cast in favor of more forgiving timing.

Becket Reel (Herbie Gaudreaux, 1971)

becket, prog cw

A1. ( 4) Shadows almd lf 1x
(12) P sw
A2. (16) W ch (over and back)
B1. ( 8) Rt & lf thru on lf diag
( 8) Rt & lf thru straight across
B2. ( 8) star lf
( 8) star rt

I have more trouble with this dance then almost any other dance I call. It's almost always on the verge of breaking down (assuming that it does not actually break down). The timing before and after the left diagonal rt-and-lf thru is not terribly forgiving of mistakes.

Awesome double progression dance (Donna McAllister)

improper, double prog

A1. (16) 4-in-line dn hall, turn alone, ret, bend line
A2. ( 8) Cir lf
( 8) Star lf
B1. (16) New N bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Long lines fwd & bk
( 8) 1s sw, end facing down

[3-dance medley]

Thursday Night Special (Larry Jennings)


A1. (16) N sw, end facing dn
A2. (16) 4-in-line dn hall, turn as cpls, return, bend line
B1. ( 6) Cir lf 3/4
(10) P sw
B2. ( 8) W ch
( 8) Long lines fwd & bk

The Micro Medley (Tony Parkes, Sep. 1992)


A1. ( 8) N almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) W ch
A2. ( 8) W dsd 1 1/2
( 8) N sw, end facing across
B1. ( 8) Men almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) P sw
B2. ( 8) Promenade across
( 8) Cir lf 3/4, pass thru

Delphiniums & Daisies (Tanya Rotenberg)


A1. ( 8) N almd lf 1 1/2
( 8) W ch
A2. (16) Hey
B1. (16) P bal & sw
B2. ( 8) Cir lf 3/4
( 8) N almd rt 1 1/2